real estate quizlet final exam

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Two important factors that will determine the potential for a rental property to generate income are (1) its ability to attract tenants and (2) the amount of operating expense. Rao Deli dishonored NR29, a 60 -day, $12\%$ note, for $\$6,000.00$. E. $550. One acre has 43,560 square feet. b. the original loan plus an additional loan amount. a failure to renew will void a license after, the supervising broker or the brokers designate, a referral agent is allowed to only refer prospects for brokerage services to, a home office bay only be in the _____ home, brokers are required to deposit funds of others received for a real estate transaction in their trust account within, if a broker has no agency duties, that broker is acting as a, A real estate licensee who is an independent contractor receives, a salesperson who is employed by a broker told a prospective buyer that the house is the best in the area. The more there is the cheaper it costs - interest rates drop. If it passes inspection a ______ will be issued. What are the most common changes made to a listing agreement? _____ Listing means multiple agents and the owner can market the property. I am doing a Real estate Express course for florida, i got stuck in this one quiz for a chapter and i ended up looking up the answer on quizlet, while on the quiz. C345. A Developer will add improvements such as fences, streets, utilities and buildings. Owning this type of apartment is not owning real estate, but stock in a corporation that owns the property where the apartment is located. The state exam will be pending an approved application (I'm in California). she is probably working under what type of listing, Under this listing arrangement, the broker employed is entitled to a commission no matter who sells the property during the listing period. A.$535.50 weekly- regardless of interest from buyers/sellers. In Kentucky, there are 130 questions on the exam (80 national and 50 state). A tenant who has signed a lease usually has the right to exclusively occupy and use the property covered by the lease. ", A title that is less than perfect or is not a "clear title" it is said to have a ____. What happens if a managing broker's license is revoked? Georgia Real Estate Exam Prep admin 2022-10-28T18:42:26-04:00. A title search and a TITLE REPORT (or opinion of title) is NOT a factor in making an appraisal of value or preparing an appraisal report. Is a brokerage required to share commissions? A person who owns their home in Fee Simple Absolute is said to have a basic bundle of rights including (1) the right to Exclusive Occupancy (2) the right to Enjoyment Without Interference and (3) the right to Sell, Waste or Destroy the property. While a foreclosure is in process and before the sale, the mortgagor (borrower) has an Equitable Right to step up and pay the loan to stop the lender's foreclosure process. Type Your Name: Kirin Godhia Type Course Name: Real Estate Principles (RE 100) Final Exam Answer BUY IT BUY IT for the STATE EXAM, not the test for the 75 hr course. Because the end of the term is unknown, a life estate is also a freehold estate. Violating zoning laws is an illegal use of property. 22 of 100 If the interest-holder enjoys the right of possession of land, the party is considered to have. trade fixtures, even though they are permanently attached, can be removed. A tenant who fails to pay rent has abandoned his duty and the landlord can terminate the lease and evict the tenant. There are a total of 152 national and state questions on the Georgia real estate licensing exam. 00$; and federal unemployment tax, $\$8.00$. A recorded plat method that is used to describe properties in residential, commercial, and industrial subdivisions. the employing broker must pay all commissions owed to a salesperson within how many days after receipt of commission funds by the broker ? Most property managers prepare regular reports for owners. a duly licensed salesperson may accept a bonus from: The NJ real estate commission is under the department of, jefferson bought land in a distant county and never went to see it. Within a township there are 36 sections which have one mile on each side. S428. When a homeowner has received a deed transferring title which contains a full bundle of rights (Exclusive right to occupy, right to enjoy without interference and right to waste destroy or sell/lease) he is said to have a ________. The two most effective study tools for the state exam are practice exams and learning the state-specific license laws. 30. According to figures obtained from a cost-estimating service, the base construction cost per square foot of livable area is $92, and $76 per square foot for the garage. When a licensee transfers from a managing broker to a new managing broker (yes, permitted by law) the listing contracts that the licensee had obtained while at the former brokerage stay at the former brokerage, unless transferred in writing to the new brokerage, with permission of both the former broker and the new broker. With a total of 125 questions (85 national and 40 state), that means the score to pass is 56 for the national and 21 for the state. Because the money paid to a licensee who is an independent contractor is not subject to deductions for taxes, the brokerage will send the IRS a Form 1099 at year-end reporting the commission gross income paid the contractor during the year. what should you do if a seller refuses to pay the earned commission to the licensee? Real Estate Terminology 9781423216667 Exam Online Flash Cards For New Born Baby 1 Year Old. M32. VOID because to be valid, a contract must have a legal objective and without a legal purpose neither party can legally enforce performance under the contract. These include: churches, schools, and other not-for-profit organizations as well as state, county and city owned buildings, such as the Department of Transportation building. Failed the final exam first go. \end{array} Water rights on a lake or ocean are called ________. Owners of condominiums that are part of a high-rise building actually own a fee simple interest in an airspace and have a tenancy in common interest in the common elements of the building or complex. The bubble sheet is at the end. Most states administer the tests in two parts, and require that the candidate pass both. The real estate exam is a rigorous and challenging test that weeds out those who are not committed to being skilled agents. the interest the man has in the ownership is a, the occupancy rights of the owner in a cooperative building are based on, a man and a woman bought a store building and took title and joint tenants. The term referring to when an owner sets a minimum amount that he wants to receive from the sale of the property and lets the broker have as commission whatever amount is received above the set minimum net proceeds. Real Estate Final Exam Term 1 / 100 Octogenarians Gertie and Frank met in Sunset Living, a skilled nursing center for people with advanced Alzheimer's disease, where they're both residents. A promissory note and an amortizing mortgage have a due-on-sale clause that allows lenders to call the entire balance due and payable immediately if the borrower defaults on the loan. Forklift: plant asset No. Purchased a work station for use in the office and a forklift for use in the warehouse in a lump - sum transaction, $\$30, 000.00$. The a term used when merging a lot with an adjacent property with the result that the larger property has more value. While most trust accounts are not interest-bearing accounts due to the short duration that the funds are in trust, a buyer or a seller, or either, can instruct a broker to place earnest money or other trust funds in a separate interest-bearing account. They fell in love and get hitched, signing a marriage certificate. 28$, for the semimonthly pay period ended December 31. It has been 31 days and he still has not addressed the issue. The seller who believes he is transferring "marketable" title without any problems will sign and deliver a _______. To exist, Joint Tenancy means that the Joint Tenants have PITT; (an undivided Possessory Interest; have acquired the Property at the same Time (in the same deed) with the same Title). The mortgage broker or the loan officer doesn't evaluate credit for approval of loans. When a Florida broker holds a nonresident Georgia license he CANNOT maintain an account in Florida if he also has an account in Georgia. visit to buy pdfs#qwivy #exams2023 #exam.#qwivyexams2023.eal Estate Final Exam Fall 2021 /2022 All Questi. now the listing is, if the proposed contract contains a contingency for the sale of the buyers present home, the seller often requires that it also includes an, to be legally valid, a contract of sale must be. What is the most common thing to be prorated at closing? The remaining mortgage balance would be a DEBIT to the seller. on completion they filed a lien for nonpayment, this is MOST likely a, the amount of money flowing in and out of a property, a tax levied on the assessed value of real and personal property, in voluntary, the tenant with a month to month tenancy must give the landlord how much notice of intention to vacate, zoning ordinances are usually established by the. b. It begins at a reference point, moves to a Point of Beginning (POB); traverses the perimeter of the property and returns to the POB. Gary then asked if he could take the watch with him without paying, so that he could wear it to his grandmothers birthday party. 6. The document, as altered, becomes a new offer, perhaps with handwritten changes initialed by the offeree (who now becomes the offeror of the new offer). When an old property seems to be newer and in better condition than it should be because it has been constantly maintained and remodeled, in valuation terms its __________________. When a property has been on the market for a long period of time; when the buyer and the seller are not related; when both parties have a good knowledge of the property's condition; when neither is under undue pressure, the agreement they reach is referred to as an. Townships and sanctions A rectangular survey is composed of Townships that are square tracts of land six miles on each side. An office building that is relatively new, at the center of town, with up-to-date materials, a concierge in the lobby and perhaps a small restaurant might be classified as Class A building. Rockwell California Real Estate Principles Final Exam Saddleback College Business Science Division Course March 28th, 2019 - 9 Describe basic taxation concepts related to real estate 10 . Zoning laws can also regulate what kinds of animals can be kept on a property. Real Estate Appraisal Final Exam Term 1 / 100 The four stages of the neighborhood life cycle are growth, equilibrium, decline, and what? When a property goes on the auction block for failure to pay taxes a buyer at the auction receives a _______ allowing him to apply for a tax deed after a certain period, if the defaulting owner of the property ultimately fails to pay the taxes in the time allowed. An item permanently attached to real property, such as an attached fence, is included in the definition of real property. 9 25 2016 real estate final ch 4 6 flashcards quizlet 1 12 real estate final ch 4 6 42 terms by marissa fraser c while most real property in the united states If the school district were to pursue the matter in court, what legal proceeding would it institute to force the man to sell his land, a conveyance that includes a condition controlling or limiting the use of the property conveyed is an example of, sale of the property, agreement of the parties, the destruction of the premises, a listing agreement may be terminated for what reasons, The type of listing agreement that provides for the payment of a commission to the listing broker even though the owner makes the sale without the aid of the broker is called an, by mutual agreement, operation of law, because of impossibility of performance, terminated automatically by the death of a principal, a property owner signed a 90-day listing agreement with a broker. Which act was passed to create the national environment agency? When an attractive offer (for interest rates, or for a product) is advertised but the prospect who was attracted by the offer and responds but is sold something more expensive, the tactic is called ____, Legislation that states that commercial emails must offer an opt-out option and cannot have a deceptive subject line is the ______ act, The Real Estate Settlement and Procedures Act (RESPA) prohibits lenders from ________ or __________. Then any outstanding property taxes are paid. When a listing agreement is signed a seller does have the right to reject the use of a sub-agent by the agent who is obtaining the listing from the seller. When a deed is recorded, the purpose is to protect the owner's rights but also to provide notice to any buyer regarding any liens or attachments provided regarding the condition of the title of the property they are buying. Recorded cash and credit card sales, $\$4,674.00$, plus sales tax, $\$280.44$; total, $\$4,954.44$. if the buyer defaulted some time ago on a written contract to purchase a sellers real estate, the seller can still sue for damages if they are not prohibited from doing so by the, the estate with the last degree of interest is, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Express the expected profit algebraically for the following mortality table. The protection period may be for any agreed period (30 days: 90 days; six months) of time after the expiration. Last week the city council passed a zoning ordinance that prohibits packaged food sales in the area where the couple's grocery store is located. C346. 31. In order for an offer to become a contract and be binding on the parties, notice (verbal or written) to the offeror that the offer has been accepted by the offeree (without any changes) is required. Then the liens against the property, ranked in order by filing date, until the money is exhausted. laws governing the occupations of real estate license holders (brokers/sellers) and real estate inspectors Homestead limits urban environment, max amount of land can't exceed 10 acres (contiguous) Rural property, max is 200 acres for Family, and 100 acres for a single Rights associated with water riparian littoral encumbrance The tests cover such subjects as forms of ownership, physical descriptions, valuation and regulation. Earnest money is merely a way for the buyer to say to the seller, "Please consider my offer. Wraparound mortgages are second (junior) mortgages on the property and include. A net lease allows a tenant more control over expenses - to make repairs, manage utility usage, shop for cheaper insurance and otherwise save money. & 43.8\\ property restrictions terminated by non-enforcement. Paid $\$1,000.00$ on the outstanding balance of the Sarr Corp. account. No. county or local (city or town), NOT the state or federal government. A contract setting forth the terms of the arrangement is signed by both parties but there is no closing and title is not transferred until the full price is paid. Real Estate Agent Practice Test Take this free practice test to see how prepared you are for a real estate agent certifying exam. Whenever a licensee is showing property to prospective purchasers an appointment needs to be made so the owner/seller of the home can not only straighten the property but actually plan to be absent from the property while it is being shown. Accountable for any property (money, real estate) of the client in which the agent controls; act with Care and diligence; be Obedient to the clients' lawful instructions; be Loyal to the client's interests above those of anyone else and Disclose or give notice of all information that will help the client while keeping confidential all information that might harm a client. An easement is a recorded right to cross or use someone else's property. The current status of the sales contract is _____, A contract allowing a person to deal in cocaine sales on a property would be ______. The debt accumulates as the payments are received. \end{array} A contract requires a willing buyer and a willing seller, each of age, sane, under no pressure and unrelated. Items attached as a fixture when installed by a tenant in a commercial rental space, that are used for trade or business, such as a grill in a restaurant, and that can be easily removed without damage to the property, are called ______. if a licensee is indicted for aggravated sexual assault, his license is, if a licensee is convicted for aggravated sexual assault, his license is, how long must a broker keep record of canceled checks of a brokers business account, how long must a broker keep record of copies of statements to buyers and sellers showing disbursement of funds, how long must a broker keep record of checkbook stubs noting deposits into and withdrawals from trust accounts, how long must a broker keep record of expired listing agreements, if the out of state broker has a real estate license in his own state, a licensed broker in NJ may pay a referral fee to a broker in another state, the law of descent applies to the remains of an estate after, wounded war veteran with a salesperson license, who would have the best opportunity to have their apprenticeship requirements waived for a brokers license, trustee disposing of property for a beneficiary, who does NOT need a real estate license to sell property, the expiration dates for NJ real estate license are based on, When does your NJ real estate license need to be renewed, possible if careful rules for disclosure are followed, properties with fewer than 3 rental units, The truth-in-renting act does NOT apply to, in order to convert an oral agreement for the sale of a property into a written listing agreement, the broker must deliver a written memorandum of the agreement to the client within how many days, after completing the real estate licensing course in NJ, how long does an individual have to pass the state exam and apply for a permanent license, a son selling a house for his parents in exchange for a new car. In what way is buying insurance protection a trade-off? a. Took the practice exam closed book. A real estate license is required whenever a person wants to manage one or more properties owned by others in return for compensation, When a rental property has a defect that can be repaired through non-structural maintenance or rehab, like by replacing rusty pipes with PVC pipes, it is called _______, Govt regulations reduce investment returns. So a borrower who pays the loan off earlier than the scheduled pay-off date sometimes has to pay a prepayment penalty. A single unit in a condominium complex would not be "covered" by a blanket mortgage. Issued 300 shares of $5\%$, $\$50.00$ par value preferred stock at par value, $\$15,000.00$. View Test Prep - Real Estate Principles - RE 100 - Final Exam from RE 100 at Palomar College. The U. S. Constitution's Fifth Amendment mentions the right to property. The dates November 1, December 10, February 1, and April 10 relate to - real property taxes. if the rancher has not previously conveyed the oil rights, who owns the oil, Certain items on the premises that are installed by the tenant and are related to the tenant's business are called, a homeowner acquired the ownership of land that was deposited by a river running through her property by, an easement acquired by constant, open, and adverse use is called an easement by, which encumbrance affects the title to property and is considered a general lien, a portion of a mans building was inadvertently built on a neighbor's land. property life and the straight-line method. But to further assure and protect the buyer (and the buyer's lender) the seller will often have to buy _________ to guarantee that the buyer will not lose his money if the title turns out to be defective. My understanding is that once you finish the course, you take the final exams for real estate express, then you get a certificates which you download and use to take the PSI a exam. Taking a state real estate exam is necessary for becoming a licensed real estate agent. If the managing broker dies or loses his/her license, the Real estate Commission may appoint a temporary to bridge the gap until a new managing broker is found or to close any transactions that are pending. All states have their own exam. The clause in a note or mortgage that can be enforced to make the entire debt due immediately if the mortgagor defaults. Whenever a title search is conducted to find if the title is clear, the lien will be discovered and reported. An Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) contains an _______ that allows the interest to adjust over the loan term as market rates of interest rise and fall. c. interest-only payments. If the original offeror (now the offeree) accepts the changes by initialing them, the document, with approved changes, becomes a new offer. The agents will have to pay their own business expenses and a self-employment tax. Because a lender is in the business of earning money by charging interest, the longer the loan term the greater the income. Most licensees are independent contractors which means they are self-employed, working under a contract as agents for a real estate brokerage, with a managing broker who is responsible for the brokerage agents. An escrow account ledger would contain names of all parties to a transaction, the amount of escrow funds the sponsoring broker received, and the date the broker received the funds. Mike sympathized with Gary and let him do so. 24$; Medicare tax, $\$80.04$; medical insurance, $\$380.00$). But it was the same test as the first go so basically just memorizing the first go. Because many of them do not require a down payment. an __________clause in a loan means that the collateral consists of only the specific property being used as security and does not extend to other assets the borrower might have. A managing broker should hold staff meetings and/or sales meetings to make sure all agents and clerical help are given and hear the same information. The ________ act prevents lenders from discriminating against race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age or dependency on public assistance in the granting of credit to consumers. What are his other alternatives? It is called an ___________. The corporation, as the owner of real estate, may designate up to five of its officers to conduct business on behalf of the corporation without any license required. In order to determine how to calculate the property tax rate to provide enough revenue to cover a community's budget, the county and local government needs to: (1) assess all properties (2) derive a taxable value by subtracting any exempted property values from the total assessed values and (3) divide community's budget by the taxable value. The Founding Fathers upheld the economic view of property. Zoning calls for defined areas that allow particular uses of property. An acre is 43,560 square feet so one Section has (27,878,400 / 43,560 = 640) acres. When a woman is being shown a listing by a licensee, she needs to know whether the licensee is representing her, is an agent for the seller, or is just assisting her. When a person owns property in _______, they have the right of exclusive occupancy (keep everyone else off); the right of enjoyment without interference; and the right to waste, destroy or sell the property. The powers granted the lender in the promissory note and mortgage which are filed of record as a lien against the title is one of the means of enforcing the lien against the property. Real Estate Final Exam Practice Questions Term 1 / 75 A country boy moved to the city and bought a residential unit in a building in which he shared ownership of the land and site improvements, in addition to his unit which he owned in fee simple. 5,280 x 5,280 = 27,878,400 square feet / 43,560 square feet = how many acres? There is a difference between a right of first offer and a right of first refusal. Real Estate Appraisal Final Exam E INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the best answer for each question. , signing a marriage certificate land six miles on each side if the title is clear the! Clear title '' it is said to have a ____ passed to the... ( junior ) mortgages on the property and include, for the semimonthly period! 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