Now Streaming Week 4: The Crown. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. The pigeon flew away, just skimming over the water near the place where Pepe was hidden. 185. Ala mutiaan old road. In Aana the expression refers to an aitu incorporated in a white tropic bird that lived on Mount Tafua. A fourth arrow for emergencies lies behind the hunter and may be shot in any direction. The Samoans maintain that if the parents were left undisturbed, they would remain with their young and allow themselves to starve to death. He who has a fine fish-hook should not nervously hide it, but allow others to see and admire it; else, he could not proclaim its eventual loss, for the people would say that since they have never seen the hook, his boastful words are meaningless. O le vaivai o le fee. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication. 3. 'Ai la'ai fa'avalo. Chris Raymond is an expert on funerals, grief, and end-of-life issues, as well as the former editor of the worlds most widely read magazine for funeral directors. These Samoan proverbs are taken from the first Samoan dictionary, A grammar and dictionary of the Samoan language, with English and Samoan vocabulary, first published in 1862. Mutia is a short kind of grass found on much-used roads. 123). I was also told that Seu foga'afa designates a usage customary at the alafaga and resembles the malagafaga (No. Even though a loved one would wish us to move on and enjoy our lives, it is often a difficult step to take. As it feeds mostly on the blossoms of the coconut tree, a cluster of bloom is its usual dinner table. (Compare No. Out of indolence one half is usually woven tight and the other rather loose. It is also used as an excuse; for instance, when one wishes to discuss village affairs in the presence of a stranger: Ia fa'amolemole, o le a se'i mamalu mai pea le atua i le aoa. Should the fish or the line strike the outrigger (this may happen to an inexperienced or a hasty fisherman) the hook is likely to be torn out and the fish will be lost. 2. Tafi le va i ti. Ua ola a moamoa. 1. The Banner of Freedom (O Le Fua o Le Saolotoga o Samoa) is the national anthem of Samoa.(Video). 167. O le fili va i fale. Let each one smooth his part of the boat. As a request: Ia e alofa, ia e ufiufi manu gase. O le pa'u a le popo uli. Central to this culture is the Faamatai. Ohlone Shellmound Buried Beneath the Emeryville Shopping Center. Do not fish with the stick. Pratt translates: Why do you not steer out of the way? The word seu has two meanings: to turn the head of a canoe and to catch birds or fish in a net. Only the matamea crab presented herself without a gift. The bonitos swim about thoughtlessly, but the seagulls are on the alert. The pigeon that was detached from the rest of the flock. The sega is a tiny parakeet, the only bird of the parrot family found in Samoa. Introductory remarks: The fauna of Samoa is poor. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A careless person will be taken by surprise by his watchful enemy. Gathered into a flock from different parts of the forest. All the crabs came to see the baby Sina and they brought food for the mother as is right and proper. Upu fa'amaulalo and upu faifai. Saying "hello" is as simple as ml in an informal setting. Ia lua mata to 'ese. He who wrongs one threatens many. E 'asa le faiva, 'ae le 'asa le masalo. Inspirational Samoan famous quotes & sayings: Augustine of Hippo: Life is a misery, death an uncertainty. May the coconut tree bear a rich harvest. Traditionally, Samoans believed in dying at home and being buried the day after death to prevent the spirit from causing any trouble or misfortune for their family, Ua penapena i tua o tai i'a. ", "If you start thinking of death, you are no longer sure of life. At night he came ashore through a passage in the reef to look for his prey and in the morning he returned to the sea. These have evolved from ancient traditions, and theyre still in practice in Samoan communities across the globe. The idea of a good and bad death is a common belief throughout the world. A good death, in Samoan tradition, is a death that happens at home. When death happens at home, the spirit stays with the family peacefully. Explore. 127. The death and funeral announcements initiate the biggest Samoan ritual connected to a death: the faalavelave,or ceremonial exchange of finely woven mats, monetary gifts and food between the families of the person who died and the families of those paying their respects. The saying is used in a fono (council meeting) by an orator who interrupts another speaker or who wishes to express a different opinion. The Samoan fish-hook consists of a longish shaft of polished pearl shell, pa, and a hook made of tortoise shell, maga. All Rights Reserved. So it is with governmental power. According to the communistic system of the Samoans, a travelling party is allowed to beg fish-hooks at the houses where they call. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The following saying is based on the same story. Shower later." A successful hunt. Mocking words applied to a boaster. He, against whom a decision is directed, says: Ua se fau e ta'i o outou finagaloyour decision against me is unanimous; I shall not oppose it. 6. Upu alofa: A pious wish addressed by the head of a family to a favourite child. The barracuda that sleeps apart. A day for plaiting afa. He neither searches the holes nor does he dig away the mud. In the Apolima Strait he spread a net that reached from Savai'i to Upolu. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa: An undertaking miscarries through the negligence of one of the participants. The dying of the pair of birds. "Who is old and doesn't believe it, will trip into his grave without seeing it." Proverbs and folk sayings about death, grief, and mourning from a variety of cultural traditions can sometimes speak the words you are unable to express yourself. These proverbs may help: Another way to honor a lost loved one is by making a donation to a cause they supported. This was particularly done for the purpose of hunting pigeons. 66. This Samoan idiom literally means why do you not steer out of the way?. Once upon a time a mago and a pa'itele had a fight. Though words can never fully express how much someone means to us, language can still provide comfort, solace, hope, and even inspiration following the death of a loved one. Like the pressing out of the 'o'a. Everyone grieves differently and for different periods of time. O le va'a si'i vale la'u lauga nei. Gather the breadfruit from the farthest branches first. The translation, then, would be: Why do you handle your net without considering the others?. There the instruments remain together, one knowing the other. 68. Upu fa'amafanafana: comforting, consolatory expressions. Should one be weak and faint-hearted, the undertaking will fail. Thus says a person who has not been invited to express his opinion at a council meeting. 190. O le ia itiiti le igaga. A white bird that has no friend. The twisting is done with the right hand on the right thigh, the cord at the same time being wound up with the left hand. Fallen off a high coconut palm. The work, called milota'i, is usually done by the women. The Fijian used bow and arrow; the other fished with a spear like the Samoans. When the lavalava is moved aside by the wind or by the man stepping out, the tattoo becomes visible. Upu fa'aaloalo used when two chiefs or orators agree in a fono. ", "There is no one who can jump so high as to escape death. One day her brother went out to noose sharks and stayed away a long time. Catch the bird, but watch the breakers. Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} Jesus Death, Resurrection & Return. The Samoans maintain that if a single unavau happens to be in a swarm of pelupelu, the latter will all be poisonous. Both are well protected by the law of the land. In the war between the birds and the fishes (No. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Applied to a unanimous decision. Like a breadfruit plucked on stony ground, (i.e., plucked off a tree growing on stony ground, so that the fruit will be crushed and no longer usable). Upu fa'amafanafana referring to a disunited family or village community whose reconciliation is at hand. Coral blocks have nothing to do with the preparation of masi. Fetu'una'i muniao. Used by someone whose opinion has not been sought. 16. Ua mua'i ta i'a Fagaiofu. Matalaoa suspected him of having illicit intercourse with her brothers wife, so she watched him and found her suspicions confirmed. Upu alofa: expressions of love, compassion, and sympathy. The majority of Hawaiian sayings and quotes have a positive message of hope and love. Originally this was used metaphorically for a beautiful calm day when the sea and the mountains are perfectly visible. They were also shot with bow and arrow (No. Upu fa'aalualu: Meet the danger with courage and confidence and you will be assured of victory. ". 173. Ua tagi a pu mate. Check out the video below which features a range of famous Samoan quotes and well-known Samoan sayings & proverbs. They introduced Christianity to Samoa and their influence has a large effect as far as denomination goes today. The purlins are well joined. Three Samoan orators, including two tulafale(Credit: Wikipedia). The space between the huts at the ve'a hunt. 193. Upu vivi'i applied to surpassing qualities in persons or things. 45. When the parents returned, they were so terrified at the young one's inability to eat, that they left all caution aside and could be caught easily. Samoan Sign Language is used by at least some of the deaf population.Apia is the capital and the largest city of Samoa. Those who do not want it, despise something that is desired by the majority. The big net has been spread out in the sea. The saying is used by a speaker as an apology for having, in the heat of the discussion, offended one of his listeners or for having unintentionally omitted one of the set forms of speech required by Samoan etiquette. Samoans follow a code of living and culture called the Faa Samoa which means the Samoan Way. It provides for the way Samoans behavior should be and how they relate to each other. To this refers the popular song: A'e i le Pola ne'i gaseNe'i sosola o manu e. Climb the Pola Rock noiselessly lest the birds fly away. A fisherman who has lost his hooks may approach another canoe, take hold of a fish line and remove the fish-hook. One good turn To make a closer plait. It has a meaning similar to No. After the harvest the pole will be laid aside or thrown away. 42. They are proverbial expressions, mostly in elliptically mutilated form, taken from the mythology, the history and the everyday lives of the natives and serve to illustrate their opinions and utterances. A gau le poutu, e le tali poulalo. 71. Avatu ni lo, aumai ni lo. Ulumu politely offered Lefao to take station in the falemuathe front hut. I don't know the views of that person. Ua leai se manu e olo. The barracuda sleeps by itself because the other fish fear and avoid it. Pa'u i se niu 'umi (loa). When the hunter has allured the gogo, he pulls in his decoy bird and imitates the tern's call-note a. He will be answered by the tern with another a.. He is like an arrow that lies about in the house. The totality of the fata, again, form the complete net. The glare of her torch unexpectedly attracted a large number of flying fish that fell into the canoe although it was not flying fish she wanted but a different kind. Ua fa'afaiva o matu'u. Ua nunu le to'au. Literally: When it is felt toward the sea, it is felt toward the land. Like the young of the turtle. When a Samoan has to do manual work, he takes off his lavalava and puts on a girdle of ti leaves. Upu taofiofi: Slowly and thoroughly; without precipitation. Before everything else a house. By manu vale is meant any bird other than a pigeon. This method of fishing is known as seu. A few men managed to regain the shore. A little tifitifi, that was still alive, sprang up and fell into a deep hole and Lilomaiava said, Perhaps you want that fish too? Yes, replied Leao and Lilomaiava said, Well, then the post must be taken down.. 48. However, if there were but few nuts available, only the valuable white birds got coconut milk; the common dark or speckled birds had to content themselves with water. E sao mai i Amouta ai tali le Amotai, fai foi o lea, a o le toe aso i Moamoa. We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. doi:10.21037/apm.2018.s016. This pictures a fisher who sits in his boat on a dark night and is startled by the sudden appearance of a shark. O le manu tafi manu. E ta'ape a fatuati. Like a sega sitting on a coconut leaf. Entering the house, he poured the fish in front of his guest. The ufu sleeps; the paipai sits calmly by. If a visitor comes to the faimea to get a fish-hook, the latter should empty the receptacle completely and not niggardly hide a hook. 123, 201. ", "Live that people may speak well of thee at thy grave. For a Samoan to be chosen as a respected tulafale, he or she participates in a special ceremony called a saofai, whichhappens only when the family discusses and comes to a consensus. The mountains of Savai'i are like a sleeping fish. During his absence a strange chief came along and put up at the big house. When the net is finished people say, Ua peiseai sa fai i se afa e tasi; or elliptically: Ua se afa e tasi. It looks as if it were all made with one and the same mesh-stick. ", "Everybody will undergo the sentence of the grave. When the rigging is finished it must be examined carefully, so that existing defects may be corrected. This practice can be quite a financial burden on Samoan families particularly if there are a number of funerals in a short amount of time. Before the introduction of firearms, this bird was caught in the following way: The hunter searched for a nest with young and climbed up to it. The fao is a nail, a drill, or a gouge used in making the holes through which will be threaded the sinnet that ties the planks. (Ua sese le ta i le tafao, ua sese le ta ona o le va'ai 'ese.). We must be of one mind in the undertaking. 67. As the fish take to flight by jumping out of the net, they are caught in small hand nets (alagamea). Conversely, when relatives from the homeland, specifically from Western Samoa, attend a funeral in the migrants place of residence, they bring mats and money, and the migrants repay them with airfare and exceptional hospitality during their visit. A Samoan saying about life which means even though life takes us in different directions, we will always find our way back to our loved ones. Gather the breadfruit from the farthest branches first. A woman wanted to carry a burden on her back, so she took some fau fibre to tie it fast. The information I have had from the natives convinces me that the second explanation is the correct one. According to Kraemer the carpenter first daubs the plank with vali, a mixture of earth or lega (turmeric) with water. Remarks of translator: 1. ", The death of an elderly man is like a burning library. An old childless couple of Neiafu were gathering dry coconut leaves (material for lighting and cooking). ", "He who comes for the inheritance is often made to pay for the funeral. 6. Ua sa'a i le tai le upega o Pili. The saying means: I have the right to take part in the discussion. She did not let on. Hence, house building and boat building are the two most respected trades. In other societies, death is regarded as a specter no one talks about. Samoan Death Quotes Samoan Death Quotes & Sayings Happy to read and share the best inspirational Samoan Death quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. 112. Mago is a species of shark; pa'itele was a sea-monster about which little is known. Upu fa'aulaula addressed to a person who appears unexpectedly. This was the original meaning of the proverb. The whole contraption is known as matau, or more simply, pa. To polish the pa, pieces of coral are used: the rough kind called puga, as well as the softer 'ana. 28. English - Chinese - Latin - French - German - Spanish - Portuguese - Japanese - Indian - View All Countries / Origins. Many of these have hidden meanings. Ia ta'amilo pea ma tautala. Who can jump so high as to escape death in small hand nets ( alagamea.... The national anthem of Samoa. ( Video ) coconut tree, a of! 'Asa le masalo all Countries / Origins, again, form the complete net le tafao, ua le! Mutia is a misery, death is regarded as a request: Ia e alofa, e!, again, form the complete net grieves differently and for different periods of time jump so high as escape... Have had from the natives convinces me that the second explanation is national. Done for the funeral weak and faint-hearted, the tattoo becomes visible stepping out, the latter all! 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