Black (3) Black (3) Facet Value. When planning a classroom seating char, ask yourself questions like: This layout is a textbook example of a behaviorist approach, whereby the teacher delivers truths to students and the students practice what is taught in isolation. Hannah, If your classroom has tables instead of desks, never fear! With younger students, I get them to sit at the front of the class for more intimate discussions. With the butterfly, desks face toward one or two desks in the Desks in Rows. Interactive hands-on lessons. The most important thing is that students feel confident and trust the classroom environment. If you dont have very many students in your room, this is a good choice. Use eye-formation when youre setting up a debate or discussion. All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. Use this just like mentioned above. There is not much open space for students to engage in active learning on the floor of the classroom. "Unfortunately, with my large classes it's really hard to do." Each student has a favorite type of arrangement for many different reasons. Whatever arrangement (s) you use, be sure students can enter and exit the classroom efficiently and backpacks, electrical cords, and other materials can be kept out of the walkways. Small children. Because students are looking directly at one another, Inner areas of the class (the inside horseshoe) may be, Students are all facing the same direction making it. Clear All Color. Some students who desire personal private space will struggle in this environment. So, this article provides a description of each major classroom layout theory and an explanation of how each desk layout connects to learning theory. Choice can be so powerful in the classroom. I use a miniature version of the horseshoe. Classrooms with different sizes of desks may use this style. This is the setup that I used the most. thanks from Durango, Mexico. Student Desks. Two milk crates zip tied together went to the front of the cluster between the first two desks to store the groups materials. This allows you to put more students next to each other. Will definitely be doing this again in the future! In other words, if you think changing your tables is going to solve your problems, youre probably not going to see results. This teacher got creative and put her desks into varying sized groups of 2-3. The think-pair-share method involves getting students to work in isolation, then as a pair, then as a whole class. They also make walking around to each students desk easier. Desk arrangements are important in organizing and managing your classroom. This layout again makes it easier for the teacher to see if all students are on task as the desks are angled to one point in the classroom. Bundle. Runway. The student desk arrangement in the photo below is the one that I've found fits best so far. It's always a matter of trial and error, isn't it? Every classroom is different. 8 Classroom Seating Arrangements Teachers Love, Inspiration for Classroom Seating Arrangements, A Student-Designed Flexible Seating Classroom Tour. This will be almost impossible. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab0d9ab61778773b71b9b7989e34a5e6" );document.getElementById("cd4d278312").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Sign up below to join over 180,000 teachers who are getting our Sunday emails sent to them every week! You can also let your students work together with the ones on their row. This way every one is able to face the front and I have 5 groups of 4-6 with plenty of floor space! Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. Groups of 6. The diamond shape in the middle, love! You can see where Im going here. Also, can you cater to every students learning needs? The circle or o-shaped classroom can facilitate democratic discussion because all students are an equal distance from one another and facing each other. It's more fun with two but still gives you a nice overview. Divide your classroom into two groups. We've taken a look at some of the science behind seating arrangements plus considered the rules and regulations around preferential seating to ensure your students with IEPs are being best served by their spot in the classroom. Similarly, they may not be able to reach the resources in the middle of the table. When you see pictures of classrooms from any time period, you will see the desks in rows. We spend hours upon hours setting up our classroom displays and moving the classroom furniture around multiple times before the children even step foot in the classroom. I also have couches, bean bag chairs, and a pub table around the room as other options. Table rows are a traditional classroom layout style designed for teacher-centered instruction. Its more fun with two but still gives you a nice overview. . This grid-type arrangement is done without consideration of the center's popularity or the amount of furniture needed to equip the area. Let them work together on bigger projects like in number 17. There are several pages of possible student desk arrangements for class sizes from 16-31+. $76.68 (21 used & new offers) Amazon's private brands and select brands See more. $9350 $104.99. My favorite is a modified Around the Edges. Its so hard to do ANYTHING with 30 desks (and 34 students in one hour)! When it comes to learning, many teachers concern themselves with things like teaching methods, parental support, and differential instruction. Wall-Facing Desks (Computer Room Style), Pros and Cons of the Horseshoe Desk Layout, Pros and Cons of the Double-U Horseshoe Variation, Pros and Cons of a Class Conference Desk Layout, Pros and Cons of the Rows and Columns Layout, Pros and Cons of the Perpendicular Runway, Pros and Cons of the Wall-Facing Computer Room Style, Cultural Globalization (Examples, Pros, Cons) - AP Human Geo, Conflict Theory in Sociology: Assumptions and Criticisms. If you are thinking of changing to flexible seating it may be an idea to have a bit of a trial period to see if this sort of layout is going to work for your class. It sounds like a great use of space. Students are constantly wanting access to the middle area, requiring a desk to be pulled away to provide access. Best of luck to you this year! Have students face one another, chat, and share resources at the conference table. I will be having 33 kids this year. I noticed most of these arrangements are for 26-28 students. Observational learning (as promoted by Bandura) is therefore ideal in this situation. This year I had me 3rd graders choose whether they wanted to be in a row or a group. I always have six groups; three groups in front and three groups behind. One con to having bigger desk groups (or pods as some teachers call them), is the talking. Sometimes, students have to work in groups, sometimes you give a presentation, sometimes you do some corner work. Yet, choosing how to arrange classroom desks depends on your preferences and teaching style. Share this post with other teachers to inspire them! Which arrangements am I missing? Select a group of students that will debate in the middle of the eye. Filter by Press enter to collapse or expand the menu. This Double E shape may just be the desk layout that will work for you. $27.25. You can always email us at if you have any issues. lessons for tablets, smartphones, and computers. See more ideas about classroom seating, desk arrangements, classroom. This blog highlights a number of classroom desk arrangement ideas to inspire you! The students observe a teacher modelling content out the front before attempting the tasks in solitude at their desks. Assign Table Numbers Assigning table numbers helps everyone navigate around the room more easily. Your email address will not be published. Think-pair-share activities. Hi Lisa, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Plus, it's so easy to group the desks for station work, and students are always moving them around for different activities. It also frees up more floor space around the classroom. 19 types of seating arrangements for classrooms 1. This way, students give full attention to the teacher or students at the front of the classroom, and they can join in on a classroom discussion easily. 736. The purpose is to let students listen to the one in front of the classroom. Now, as a teacher, classroom seating arrangements are less nerve-wracking and more headache-inducing. This is because in many shaped classrooms this is how the desks fit best. That way, you can speed up the classical work. When I used the hybrid I had the rows in the front rather than the back. In other words, classroom layouts should send a message and work with your pedagogical strategy. The O-shape layout has the desks in a complete closed circle so all students are facing one another. Students all face directly to the front where the teacher stands. Be conscious of space. . The only thing thats not possible is letting students face each other and talk directly to them. But, alone, desks are just desks: you need to actually create lessons and class rules that work with and alongside the classroom layout that you have settled on. This classroom is popular amongst behaviorist teachers who prefer teacher-centered environments. . Workstation classroom layouts are very flexible, loose, free-flowing environments, but have the in-built design intention for students to be working at different tasks depending on the station they are working at. Browse classroom desk arrangements resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. This is also my ideal classroom layout for my approach to teaching. Group Work. We have some Flexible Seating Expectation posters that would also help with the change over if this is something that you are thinking of doing. Students are all facing directly at a singular action zone in the front center of the classroom. This makes the horseshoe the ideal college classroom layout (especially for college seminars). Dont use it for group work either. Are you about to embark on a new school year in a new classroom? Many teachers change out their theme year after year, but one thing often remains the same: the desk/table arrangement. For example, its harder for the teacher to go around in the classroom. If you count the number of desks in the diagram above, you'll be surprised to see there are 25. A great way to establish a total classroom community feel AND have all students facing the front of the room is U or S-shaped arrangements. }. To the sides I have single desks that allow for two students in rows to fill the 'wings' as such. An oldy but a goodie. Theoretical Connection: Progressive Democratic Education. I have always trained my students in how to get into testing position which is all desks separated. Curved Desks. Guest speakers giving a lecture would be able to use this layout to talk to students and, potentially, keep the attention and eyes of all students. Encourage your students to come to a consensus or a solution to the problem. How will your classroom seating arrangements affect student learning, and what the heck do you do when a new kid (or kids) moves in and changes the number of kids in your room? Choose from over 40 It sets the scene and mood for your classroom. This method is most commonly used because there is a very short distance from computers to the wall plugs, preventing chances for injury from cables. 4334 sheridan lane san diego, ca 92120; In this way, students can get their heads together when needed. This layout is designed to separate all students as much as possible so they cannot see or communicate with one another. I use tables. Again, a con to this set-up would be you will have some students not facing the whiteboard and others that are facing the whiteboard, however, may have other students heads in the way of their viewing of the whiteboard. Every lesson is different. Classroom Layouts Elementary students spend the majority of their class time assigned to one seat for the entire day. Whole-class discussions. Are you struggling to set-up your classroom? Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. Obviously, there are a number of factors that will influence the seating arrangement that will work in your classroom. Hello there! You can also get the students to create group names for their table. Hi Marjorie, thanks so much for your comment. I've also discovered that it's smart to pick a few arrangements that you like and teach your students how to quickly move between the positions when the activity requires it. Bundles that you can download with one click. Hi Tameka, Here, the teacher cant give any one-on-one feedback as its hard to reach students in the middle. Students will learn to go quiet and stop their work when you walk towards your regular teaching spot. The key characteristic of this design is that the students never have their backs to one another and all students have a clear unimpeded view of the central stage area of the classroom. Group discussions. This post will cover 13 ways to set up your student seating, with photos! Frees up so much space on the room and I can teach and walk and observe very quickly and easily. A common design mistake is arranging the classrooms in a grid-like fashion, which means that equal-sized centers are arranged around the classroom's perimeter or along the walls. Lucky Little Learners | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use, Please make sure you are not using our custom header option and enabled theme builder setting. In that case, the conference classroom arrangement is a possibility. Let your students work individually, yet they sit together. These desk configuration ideas are a launching point for customization and creating your own special arrangements that work perfectly for your classroom. and adapt them with your own content. Which arrangement works the best in your classroom? An exam situation is the most common situation in which this layout is used. I have seven tables this year so I really had to think how to have everyone in groups. Forty years ago, US environmental psychologist Professor Robert Sommer had this to say about choosing a classroom layout. Lets start with one of the most used bench seating arrangements: Pairs. With this kind of desk, you can sit up to two students per desk. This teacher also varied the group size. How you set up your desks affects: Because of this, I have create 13 different desk arrangements that you can try. Even after teaching for 20 years, I needed some ideas and inspiration. Educational furniture companies have been stepping up their game and making desks/tables lightweight and sleek. Another classroom management technique using this desk configuration is to not have set desks. One of my favourites is a central column of desks (like the groups of 6) but as long as needed with a flat row facing the board at the back. Zig-zag down the rows asking each student to present a thought defending their side of the debate. Make sure to move around your student desks from time to time so you have the perfect classroom seating arrangement for your lesson. Pros Easy to separate students that dont work well together, everyone faces the front, Pros Discourages talking, everyone faces the front, great for testing, Cons Takes up a lot of space, not good for group work, Cons Some students do not face the front, difficult to get to all students, Pros Leaves space in the middle for activities, easy to share materials, Cons Some students do not face the front. I also liked this set up for flow and movability. Assign different tasks to each corner. The traditional desk in rows is still an option, especially if you do a lot of board work. Tables: Arranged in rows, either butted together side by side or standing alone. This layout also allows for a little flexibility in that if you have particular students that really need to face the whiteboard you can make sure they are facing the front of the classroom. Yes that would be good as well as a class full of behaviour issues. Cons Hmm, I got nothin. Its interesting how different groups of students, different times of the year, and different activities call for a change in desk arrangement. Arrange your classroom in a way that accurately portrays your educational philosophy and ensures that your students can move around and interact the way you'd like. A modelled teaching or teacher-centered teaching style may not suit this layout. The great open space in the middle of the classroom gives all students a front-row seat for observing whats going on. This desk arrangement is OH SO CUTE. . Logistically, determine the focal points of the classroom (e.g., whiteboard or projection screen, demonstration table) and be sure that your arrangement allows . In this way, students can get their heads together when needed. I have done the horseshoe but instead of connecting the two sides I leave a space between the sides and can easily move between the back and front. As a third-year teacher I am still looking for that golden arrangement that works all the timebut there simply isnt one. Below are 10 tips for teachers with tables in their classroom. Personal space. Every strategy needs an effective classroom arrangement. In a typical class, you might have five rows of six students. Theres no separate U in the front, which makes it more open to the students in the back. 1. We dont share email addresses with third parties. When I have used this method, Ive had to ask all students to turn their monitors off and turn to face the rest of the class during the modeled instruction at the start of the lesson. This helps certain students who can only sit by certain kids or helps students who can get overwhelmed sitting by a lot of other kids. A bit like flexible seating, students can move around to the desk configuration that is going to work for them for different subject areas. Use this basic lesson plan template with a whiteboard below. Students could get demotivated as they have no-one to whisper to. Last year after some experimentation we used a hybrid of clusters and individual seats. As all desks are attached, wires can be fed under the desks to prevent dangerous wires blocking walkways. You can also do groups of three and cut out one of the rows. However, underpinning a teacher's effectiveness is a classroom's design. This post will cover 13 ways to set up your student seating, with photos! If students are only ever exposed to active learning spaces, they may be blindsided when they walk into a quiet exam space with a columns and rows format. When I wanted to do group work I had those two small rows push their desks together in a cluster or just have kids move their chairs so they were looking at eachother across the desks. There is no head of the table meaning power is evenly distributed. BookWidgets enables teachers to create fun and interactive margin-right: 8px; Debates. You can also practice speech (foreign language) by letting the students facing each other talk to each other. This seating arrangement is a good idea to start the year. Again, this layout doesnt cater well for small group work, but students can still work in partners with the person beside them if required. But, if you want to change your pedagogy then paying attention to they layout should be a part of that change. Class Discussion. Source: Elena Brynildson 2. They would probably be parked close to the teacher or in a corner, depending on their needs. Are you feeling like your classroom desks could do with a little re-arrangement? Get teacher tips and access templates for digital and printable diaries too! Have a great year! margin-right: 0px; Have students use the free space in the middle of the class to present their content or have guests give their presentations in the middle space. By facing two desks against the end of the group, this teacher still has large desk groups, without taking up as much room! You may like to use some of our grouping posters for the classroomto name your groups and keep track of group points. Finally, I believe it's important to change where students sit in the classroom on a regular basis. This desk configuration creates two smaller carpet areas in the middle of the desks, which would provide some space for small group work as well. Two students can sit at a single trapezoid table, if your classroom has tables instead of desks. FREE delivery Thu, Jan 19. Its best to use this arrangement when giving a presentation or when teaching in front of the classroom. Its so easy to walk up the center aisle and see everyones work. My go to set up is a double v, but it does take up a lot of space. It is a method that is uncommon but can be useful for when you want to divide the class into two distinct and equal groups. However, youll then need to follow-up with appropriate pedagogical strategies. The open space in the middle of the desks is clearly the focal point or action zone in this sort of space. As students sit in rows, its hard to form groups to get students talking to one another. All rights reserved. Looking forward for more. I like to have a whole group lesson position, a group work position, and a testing position. This is another arrangement that I really loved. Almond (2) . Students get together as a group of equals to discuss big picture issues as if they are the decision-makers at a conference board. Im Angie Olson- a teacher, curriculum developer, educational blogger and owner of Lucky Little Learners. Ive found this layout very easy for the teacher to access every students desk space quickly to provide tailored support. That seems unfair. I think I've tried most of the suggested seating arrangements in the last twenty years and sometimes changed it during the year depending on the students. allowing students to have choice in their seating. Introduce some bold statements or problems about your teaching topic and let your students discuss them in their groups (in a foreign language youre teaching languages). For example, if youve decided that you have set yourself the goal of teaching more socially engaging, problem-based lessons, then you might want to think about incorporating table groups and workstations into your classroom design. However, if you do have large numbers of students in your class this layout could put some students a fair way away from the whiteboard and the front of the class. Project-based discovery learning. . There arent too many other options. Moreover, it enhances teamwork and cooperation. These can be arranged in a full or semi-circle which is perfect for sharing and reading aloud time. A slight deviation to the desks in rows. Obviously, this layout doesnt cater very well to small group/collaborative learning. 3. They cant talk to each other or let their eyes wander on someone elses paper. Ive provided classroom diagrams (images) for each layout below: The classroom layout with tables which form groups is common in early years and elementary / primary school classrooms. However, Im hoping this list of suggested seating arrangements spark some inspiration to help you get your classroom working. Teachers can use this design during a lab or an activity that has rotating stations. I use both so ended up with rows facing the center. Getting your students involved in the process is another bonus to this seating set-up. School starts Wednesday, so well see how it goes! Ask, for example, the first column to answer question A, the second column to answer question B and the last column to answer question C. Go over the answers when theyve finished. Many teachers change out their theme year after year, but one thing often remains the same: the desk/table arrangement. The teacher's desk is placed at one side so . Use longer tables If you have access to longer tables, they can help students stay apart. Its also nice to offer more support to the groups of two as needed. The teacher will be available to give more guidance when needed as well. Let them organize an event, put together a play, set up their own company, etc. 9. As stated in Cassies blog, Flexible Seating: Unreal or Unrealistic? It can reflect an amphitheater model where everyone is looking at one focal action point at the front middle of the classroom. With shy groups, I prefer to pair them off in table groups to give students the courage to speak up in smaller group discussions. A little variety in class is always nice. This works well for larger class sizes. Then a few students that did not do well in a cluster had individual seats facing the center along one side of the room. Dont use this desk arrangement for group work. I actually have 6 horseshoes with a 3 drawer rolling cart in the middle for each classes supplies in their drawer. The perpendicular runway classroom has two rows of students facing one another. The AmpliVox Multimedia Smart Podium is a great presentation center for large classrooms. This layout can also be excellent for sharing resources. Then I turn the back group so all three main chunks of desks are parallel. Individual student work and exams. The clusters arrangement is intended for group work and projects. " [My favorite type of desk arrangement] is a big circle. If you want the PowerPoint just let me know! $372.95 $279.71 As far as desk arrangement in general, placing ELLs (at any proficiency level) in desk groups or teams has several benefits. Once in the arrangement, teachers may have to move students around a bit to adjust their classroom volume. Students are all facing one another, enabling discussion across the classroom. For constructivists like Jean Piaget, the most important task a student can engage in is hands-on experimentation. The highest communication interactions between professors and students typically . I have tables and love students sitting with one another for group work. Pods as some teachers call them ), is the founder of the.... Together a play, set up your student seating, desk arrangements for class sizes 16-31+. Desks could do with a little re-arrangement this classroom is popular amongst behaviorist teachers who teacher-centered! 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