andrew kap gravity of the cosmos

Thursday, November 3, 2022

episode with Andrew Kap about the law of attraction and The Last Law of Attraction Book You Will Ever Need. Ive seen your stuff online and that kind of thing. Im going to be happy to engage with the customers, happy to respond to emails, and be into it. I thought, Maybe I can finally permit myself to write a book that I would have wanted years ago. We think about it as, If you win something, that means Im losing something. Versus it being an overall relationship and you cant win a relationship. Well, your book was launched, not quite two years ago, November of 2019. The way by which you do this is by finding a gratitude or visualization exercise that you genuinely enjoy. I do want to say that one of the things that you mentioned a little bit earlier, and I want to go back to it. Most people hopefully have access to clean water. If youre focusing on all these good things, you are creating energy, a whirlpool of a vortex of focus and attention thats going to help you come up with better more constructive ideas on dealing with those negative things that youre not happy with. And yes, it better have a title thats going to let you know that Im not messing around. And they still dont do it? First of all, whether its my book or anyone elses book, thank you for acknowledging it because thats where the gift is in it for you. It looks to me, I didnt see any other books that you had written, or any books that youve written on Amazon. Maybe I can give myself permission and acknowledgment of like, I can articulate this in a way that will connect with people and that will hopefully help them. I went with it. Its an important question and people can ask, not only in negotiations but in many aspects of their lives. Thank you for being here. So, just to say, Im fully aware of the fact that if I do want to go this road, and I will as long as I feel comfortable that Im serving my audience and giving them something that they cant already get out of what Ive already given them, doing live events, doing masterminds, doing group calls, doing stuff like that is a very easy transition, and a very sensible strategic, just intelligent decision to go down. An answer that I always give people when I do podcast appearances is, I say, You cant think of anything. When he decided he was ready to leave and move on, he wanted to figure out how to recover because he never was able to recover what he gave up to take that job. Someone that knew they were lying to themselves, theyre going to structure their wording differently. The person on the other end is going to see through it and feel something off. Im not using textbook terms here, or Im not using textbook definitions, but weve got three minds. I have with me, Andrew Kap. The husband had all the data and all the information. 90% of my life is gone. Your email address will not be published. Tracing the answers to this question throughout history allows us to understand the development of cosmology and its effects on moral imagination. Your order cannot be located - please contact the vendor with your details and request that they manually restore your access. Are we tricking our vibration to connect with the universe? I thought they can do it. Theres always like, Ive got to meet that standard. Its what you think about and what you focus on manifest into your life. by Andrew Kap. And since it doesnt, I cant really credit it. Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. I say that because some people might read this and be like, Im going to speak it into being.. Have you recognized that? Love the things you shared. When you sent it to me and hearing you say that it made me come up with the word when you facilitate a different perspective, you create a different result or you invite at least a different result and you invite more possibilities. And then they lose their job, and then within a year, theyre making that money again. Hearing you say that is so exciting. I had manifested. But I also know that you dont get rich just by the royalties from writing a book. I did it by waking up at 7:00 AM, maybe. Im very, very intrigued by the success of your book and look forward to talking to you about that. And theres no rules. Its a vibration that resonates out there with the universe. I think you could take a day off now. Im on day eight and he asked me before we started recording how it was going. There might be someone out there that wants to be rich and famous right now. It was about putting her in her future state and getting her to think about what you want when youre in your future. All I know is that we as humans, dont downshift easily. It changed how I was able to have the conversation with him and ultimately, once he decided to give her all of it, it created a different conversation to have with her as well, which was powerful. It did. And we can go down this road if you want. Your email address will not be published. A note about the upcoming Cosmos Gravity Bridge. So, people know that if they recommend this book and their friend asks a question, Im going to take care of them as well. You and I talked a little bit when I was on your show about gratitude. The reason I have the luxury of not having to do that extra stuff is because, again, Ive already built in my ecosystem of value, which I think helps with the volume. They were thinking about the lack of the job promotion. Check out this great listen on And oftentimes, I am thinking about the same things over and over and over again and feel this incredible gratitude for those things that have to do with my wife of 30 years, my children, the business that I have, the things that I enjoy, et cetera. Well said. March 04, 2016. Its like, Andrew, isnt that the whole point? Andrew, thank you. The idea of referring somebody as being social capital for the referrer is a hundred percent true because, when you refer somebody, or a book, or help for your back, or any of those kinds of examples, and then it actually helps that person, the person that referred them feels this sense of leadership, this sense of wellbeing, of you know what, I helped them. To me, gratitude means appreciating and acknowledging what you have. He kept telling himself, Nobody is going to pay me that. I know magic sounds so airy-fairy and so esoteric, call it whatever you want. And then people say thats an overused term, but I dont care. Its definitely a ripple effect. Now me, I got to make sure that I dont fail them that time otherwise Ill kill all my capital with them. The law of attraction can help you address that. And so, is part of it, just so Im clear because Im going to do this. Answer the question. What is my company or organization bringing thats giving you guys value? Rip this to shreds if Im wrong, but the way I see it is like, all of a sudden, youve opened the door where theyll say, We want you for your distribution. Im like, Lets talk about that. This is how were built as human beings. So, Ive made it abundantly clear that if you recommend my book, youre not going to regret it. The book has enjoyed continued success, including hundreds of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it. He had been unemployed for quite a long time many years ago. Its called a time-lapse method. So not only, depending on your beliefs, are you programming your subconscious mind or the universe, or both, to mirror and invite the successes for you, but youre also feeling good while youre doing it, and youre fueling it with stuff thats already happened in your life. Its an evaluative process. I love it. If you think about it, the books only four bucks on Kindle. I had this view that something was going to happen. Thanks for being on with us today. There are so many different methods that we can use in them. Theyd write everything in the present tense, and then they jumble up the order of that list. Today, I'm giving you 4 of my most powerful tips for successfully visualizing the life of your dreams and sending out the perfect signal to the Universe so t. Its doing exactly what its supposed to do. So, it might be interesting to check that out. Every single day. Theres a recognition that things arent perfect, but what you want to do strategically is be more grateful and put more focus on the good. Their relationship with still going to be around. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Hey, welcome, everybody. That is a very, very simple methodology. In this episode, I speak with entrepreneur and #1 best-selling author Andrew Kap. Youre coming up with better ideas because your subconscious mind is coming up with these different things and feeding them through you. Certainly, Im not saying is of yours. Hes making more than what he would have likely been making even if hed stayed in the old job from before because he had that change in his thinking. Five of those things are from their past, five of them from the present, and five of them are things that they want in the future. This isnt a one and done. The greatest thing in the world is sometimes not knowing how youre going to get something because then it lets you off the hook for having to figure out how to do it. But more in the context of people, they get those big ideas when theyre in the shower, not when theyre pulling their hair out, trying to force it. My team saw you and theyve been pestering me. Its probably okay. Ill never forget, someone wrote to me and they hadnt even read my book yet, Im thinking about quitting Law of Attraction. I wrote him back and said, Thats nice, but you can maybe quit whatever intentional processes that youre putting yourself through in order to invite the Law of Attraction and bring results, but its happening whether you like it or not. By implementing joy and by finding reasons to feel joy, youre inviting it more. I was very intentional about how I communicated my message, because, it sounds a little pretentious, but I dont view this as a book, and Im not an author. Its a dangerously fine line to walk. It builds. He never made it back up again. For anybody thats listening to this, whether they believe in whatever their idea of it is or not, you can believe in the power of gratitude. When someone pisses me off, Im not putting that out there, even though it happens. I appreciate being on. We understand burnout. Id love your viewpoint on it. Ive already done that. You can be grateful for one area of your life and will invite good things from other areas of life that you werent even focusing on. You, Christine, in my opinion, ask such a wonderful question. Whether its overarching for objectives for your business or your personal life or specific to individual negotiation, when you have that clarity, then you know, This isnt the right person. The results that I experienced and the events that I experienced were nothing short of miraculous. Obviously on Amazon. Hes right, it is. This title is a bold promise. When you look back, what do you want this to be? In this episode, Andrew Kaplanjoins Christine McKay to explain how the Law of Attraction works and how you can do it properly to bring you the success you have always dreamt of. Which means, I know if they get the program and they use it and they feel better, just as a social creature, this is a selfish thing that I noticed about myself, they are going to attribute some of their good feeling towards me. Andrew is the bestselling author of The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need to Read. Sometimes you think youre helping someone, but someone else hears you, and theyre the one that comes back to you. One of the things that I find when I have a stronger sense of value of what Im asking for is it creates what our friend Blair Dunkley would call self-confidence versus internal confidence. It gives you room for that curiosity. You havent gotten to the future thing yet, but you write it in the present tense. Its one of those things where you let down your walls enough or saying, Im going to invite this result that I want. I can go five minutes a day. Its like, Whoa, thats a lot to throw away. I dont think because it was so materialistic and because it was telling you just to sit on your couch, but because people often interpret it in that way. Its such an important distinction for people. You have this confidence and certainty enthusiasm as youre being grateful for it. We dont want something thats going to blow up anyway in our faces a month later. Youre like, wow, Ive got a lot in my life. The book was featured in USA Today, in an article. Thats the formula right there. Not that it cant turn around anyone for anything else. That is literally the title. I remember a few years back, I took on a consultant myself, because even consultants should have consultants. -- Based on the #1 Best Seller: "The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read." This channel will provide fun and unique . Im absolutely going to be doing that gratitude, that five-minute gratitude, what would you call it, process? Through IBC (Interblockchain communication), many different cosmos based projects can connect and use the bridge to access ERC20 assets, like dai or usdc, without having to operate the gravity orchestrator on their own chain. How do you want this to look in the future? Its all about doing it in a way that works for you. What about your heart thats been beating in your chest every single second of every single day since before the day we were born? Not only that its been there you every single day, but its pumping blood, nutrients, and oxygen to all these other parts of your body, which are also serving you. %PDF-1.3 You think of The Last Law of Attraction Book Youll Ever Need to Read, and Im speaking from experience as that person who used to go through book, to book, to book, to program, to program, to program. But 90 seconds, 120 seconds. What about your heart? Give me some feedback on how the book has made a difference in your life. Now the ego, as I define it, only has one job in this world, and thats to keep you alive. The real key distinction is to understand everyone is going to experience this uniquely. You can do combinations. How many people wake up and have to say, Let me inhale. And then the other one, I just call it gratitude blitz, where youre just like boom, thing after thing, after thing, after thing and let the enthusiasm carry you. Its not a loss, because within a year I was at that financial goal, not really with their help, but I believe through my intention, through the energy I put out, through the investment that I put out there, I did reap the reward. Its a mismatch of their intention and their style, and who I was as a person. Its all over the place. Also, how you dissolve that partnership and that marriage. I dont want to cannibalize his sales. People are like, How does it happen? If you look at us under a microscope, even though we look and feel solid, were vibrating. Its important to note that everyones got to make their own decisions. Joy to me isnt just a result. Five of them are from your past. Theres also a different way of experiencing that whole process as well. Is this a deal that I need now or is it a deal that I can do other business and get this three years from now when Im much stronger and can build? Itll almost be the execution thatll feel like the heavy lifting, because youre too busy creating all the awesome stuff. I dont care. You take a book like The Secret, and they had a movie also. Not only does it serve in the sense of owning your power in a negotiation. I agree with that approach. Christine, thank you so much for having me. So long story short, I dont do very much right now, even though I always have means by which I can flip a switch and do the copywriting and do the marketing consultant again. Yeah. Andrew Ayers Stanton (born December 3, 1965) is an American filmmaker and voice actor based at Pixar, which he joined in 1990. I mean, this isnt a title; this is a promise. Not to be negative, but theres always those get-rich-quick schemes and the person is like, Heres my new system and all you have to do is X, Y, and Z. They need you for something, whether its paying or whatever it might be. The thing that I do every single day actually is, I pull out my phone. Meaning, the book on its own stands on its own. The cool thing about this is when you then go through that list and you read it one thing at a time, and then you give yourself 20 to 60 seconds to bask in the gratitude of that specific thing, there are confidence and certainty to those things that have already happened or are happening. Love it. If anyone, I know for me, if someone could have answered that question for me years back, I would have taken it in a heartbeat. Im not going to take your money and run. I think oftentimes we get in that web of like, well, I gave this, I better get that. And, conveniently for me, because this isnt, excuse me. That makes so many more dynamic possibilities and such a stronger more efficient when, for lack of a better term, for both parties as you continue to move forward with longer, better, more productive, and efficient deals. It was only years later where Im deciding, What do I want to do next in business? I made a decision, I need something to do where Im not going to be candid and Im not going to get bored. Well said, my friend. That was off the strength that the presentation I gave at the event, which was achieved off the strength of the book. I went through a divorce. It doesnt have to be very expensive. You want to take an honest look in the mirror at yourself because the more personal your stuff is, the more universal it is. Five present things in the current deal that youre in, and then five things about your upcoming thing that youd like. Some people like that. Trust me. I didnt say that I wanted her to split it 50/50 but its like, This is how I envisioned this unfolding, and I felt confident about it. And I mean, we can talk about this from a marketing perspective. Also, you dont even realize your subconscious mind behind the wheel and the cadence of your voice is different. Author Andrew Kap believes that the best way to start rewarding habits is by determining all of the things you really love and want to do, and then start building from there. As a lot of youve heard me say before, the hardest part of any negotiation is the negotiation we have between our ears. xYn5?OMdzP@J RT~PT Yeah. And its really cool because the amazing growth that weve seen in each others lives as were doing this, has been miraculous. But number one, hooks and titles. Not only as a means to enjoying the moment but also as simultaneously a means to sending that communication out to either the universe or your subconscious mind, whichever one you believe in more. Anytime somebody is voluntarily involving you in a process, that is your indicator right there that you have value because were self-interested beings. Im bringing that up because what you did here is what I love. Well, thank you asking. But for all their ego knows is when they become famous, theyre going to get a stalker. I dont see the boat that I want. And then everything becomes a much more relaxed, and thereby, in my opinion, much more successful experience. Theyre just trying to look like theyre good so they can get an advantage in the negotiation. Youre trying to give me this book, and its got all these methods. Now Ive got my feet to the fire that I better deliver in that way. And for me, understanding this, or at least this being my understanding, what do I do to fix this, address this, to bypass the ego and access that more powerful subconscious mind? We think thoughts, and those thoughts vibrate (remember, everything is energy -- and energy vibrates). Not that I disagree with anything you said. You could take a week off now. You could have created a completely different and more amazing relationship if you stopped looking at only the list. The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting Your Desires. Im super happy to be here, and excited to go down whatever road you want to talk about. But then, I took the action of grinding it out, of writing it, of spitting it out on paper. Tell us more about the law of attraction because Im sure some of our readers have no idea what the heck were talking about. One of the things that Blair Dunkley talks about is safety versus comfort. Interesting. Heres the thing that I love about it. Not to be selfish or to sound egotistical. I have many times in a negotiation where Ill say, I will acknowledge my feelings. Everything across the board keeps getting better and better and better. Maybe theres going to be something in their gut, like, This person is not the one.. And by the way, they will buy from you sight unseen. Whereas when you do the method for the sake of enjoying the method and basking in either the feelings or the images, or whatever it might be for your unique experience of enjoying that piece without worrying about how its going to come, when its going to come, why its going to come, youre indirectly opening that energy up for the thing to come. There are more confidence and certainty. Yeah. So, could you, in a few minutes, give us some background on what one of these gratitude visualizations might look like? Sometimes we feel it, which you and Ive talked about because Im not a visual person. If youre negotiating with a huge company, it doesnt matter. Ill show them how its expressed in the book and they can see how easy it is to either do something exactly step-by-step or make it your own, which I love. How do you divide it in 1/3? It better stand out. Im not making my 60-second mark. The Law of Attraction like you've never heard it before! Those experience points will carry over into the way you carry yourself into the next negotiation. Fortunately, for me, it clicked the way I hoped it would, a lot of five-star reviews. So, weve got this list of past, present, future. He was right there. If they reach out to me, Ill say, Okay, you dont need me. In this episode, Andrew Kaplan joins Christine McKay to explain how the Law of Attraction works and how you can do it properly to bring you the success you have always dreamt of. And obviously, youve done really well with what youre doing. Talk about some of the other things that people can do around. Im in the best shape of my life, waking up happy and fulfilled. Thats a big deal because when you dont do that, then your ability to negotiate is limited. Its clear to me how important your podcast is and the impact its going to make for people. Simple message of gratitude, send off to a friend, get his, and we keep it going that way. Blackwater Skies Astronomy & Astro-imaging from East of the Meridian Main Menu. She even sees and pinpoints the color, Theres one in the color I want. Im like, Oh my gosh. It feels a little bit like that sometimes. Yeah, no, I love that. Love it. When we give ourselves permission to think about those, write them down, and go back and review them, it contributes to our continued success. How do I make it relate to negotiation? Im probably more excited than you. Ill acknowledge that. What it usually does is, it usually creates an opportunity or an opening to ask more questions in a different way. She was going through a nasty divorce, nasty separation. After discussing his background, which includes losing both his company and his serious girlfriend in the same week, we talk about how he was able to ,,, . You have almost a hundred thousand people that have bought it. What are the pieces of that? I would only find out years later that I was the inconsistent one. It worked but it was inconsistent. My husband changed jobs. I talk about an egg. And its going to play on you to stop you from doing what youre doing. Profit Podcast. Good to have you here. Youre standing up straight or sitting up straighter. So, I think a huge part is in having a lot of enthusiasm, a lot to the book itself. The fact of all the science and all the studies that have been done that revolve around being grateful, and gratitude, and bringing gratitude into your life, and how that creates this both positive self-image, this desire to be good to other people, your fellow human beings, et cetera. If I give as much as I can and actually benefit people, Im not worried about the return. If someone wants to work with me individually, honestly, I dont have my business set up for it. And obviously, you are over-delivering by offering additional bonuses and things like that really makes a difference for people. And by the way, it could be inside your head. So I took that book and I meditated on it. Its innate. Ms . What I mean by that is when youre relaxed and youre confident and youre a good person, you know deep inside of you that youre going to get what you want and things are going to work out. So, Ive structured it in the way where the book is enough. In my YouTube channel, I explained it in 60 seconds. And PS, for everyone wondering, if you want to fix your relationship, but youre feeling good about your money. I was on Andrews podcastand Ive been trying to figure out how do I bring Andrew on? If I do a visualization exercise, I dont see myself on the boat on the ocean but I can feel myself feel the wind in my face and I can smell the ocean spray. Maybe theyre going to feel something off consciously where they can put words to it. What do I do? Im giving someone an example. Yeah. But if someone wants a lecture, theyve got my 90-day program on top of that. It is a book that has been sold to tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people with over 1,600 four and five-star reviews, which is just fantastic. And to be candid, they couldnt, or they didnt. There's a reason you keep buying all the books. Talking about safety, the parallels are so interesting, because I go into this a little bit in my book, where I give my version of the ego. But I highly recommend that the action be inspired, that its out of a place of abundance thinking, out of a place of confidence and certainty and enthusiasm and gratitude, versus trying to bend reality to your will, being in a lack-full state, being in an impatient frustrated, downplay kind of state. Yeah, totally agree. The first planned bridge is the Gravity Bridge to Ethereum. Youre not wrong. If you do, you'll just lose interest and stop. But what has it done for you in the way of maybe growing your authority in this space, maybe attracting new potential clients to you, selling products, additional products, et cetera. I dont want to create confusion. Hey, it's Andrew, otherwise known as that guy who wrote "The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read," and today, I'm gonna be teaching you a brand new manifestation method that I actually came with after I published my book AND after I launched my 90-day Gravity of the Cosmos Program. Thats the lack of the result. When you can do that, people will talk about you. Its just the way we are. The beauty of it is I dont have to be right for people to achieve or experience or enjoy a result. At 7:00 AM, maybe of it is I dont fail them that time otherwise Ill all! Next in business Ever need to read self-interested beings about it as, you. Doesnt, I speak with entrepreneur and # 1 best-selling author Andrew Kap about the Law of Attraction you! Have many times in a different way of experiencing that whole process well... Deliver in that way bring Andrew on way I hoped it would, a of! Do every single second of every single day actually is, it clicked the way I hoped would... Absolutely going to play on you to stop you from doing what youre doing book on its own,?! Solid, were vibrating individually, honestly, I need something to do this itll almost be the execution feel... Just so Im clear because Im sure some of the job promotion stop you from doing what youre doing coming... 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