These seats are offered in NYC Early Education Centers and family child care networks and may also serve infants, toddlers, and four-year-olds. Using the EMLLPP will support teaching teams in gaining valuable information about Emergent Multilingual Learners (EMLLs), promote strong instructional and family engagement practices, and strengthen the language and literacy development of children in their home language and in English. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. Programs with Extended Day and Year seats and/or Head Start seats can enroll eligible children at any time throughout the year. 16 Qs . New York City Department of Education 3K for All Vocabulary CardsExploration 1: Our Community Month 3: UsIncludes 8 vocabulary words with diverse and authentic pictures for Month 3~Please note this month has less vocabulary words than the other 2 months, since the vocabulary builds upon itself throughout the exploration.~Words taken from NYC . For these reasons, remote learning for young children is centered around helping families, caregivers, and children connect and engage in joyful, fun, play-based activities that build on childrens natural curiosity. Google Classroom, Class Dojo, etc.). See theEnrollment for 3-K Extended Day and Year Seats and Head Start Seatssection of this page to learn more. Excited by the future of learning and the integration of best practices. 20 Qs . 4.8. 3K Weekly Lesson Plan-Exploration Two-Month Two-Weekly Focus What To Investigate, 3K Weekly Lesson Plan-Exploration Two - Month Two - Weekly Focus: Look Closely, 3K Exploration One, Two, and Three Vocabulary Words With Photos Bundle, 3K Weekly Lesson Plan - Exploration 2 Month 2-Weekly Focus: Express & Test Ideas, 3K Weekly Lesson Plan-Exploration Two Month One-Focus: Objects All Around Us, 3K For All Exploration Two: Our Environment Picture Vocabulary Bundle, 3K Exploration Two: Our Environment- "Investigating" Key Vocabulary Words, 3K For All NYCDOE Explorations Binder Covers, 3K For All: Explorations Two: Our Environment Curriculum Map, NYC DOE 3K Exploration 2: Our Environment Focus: Investigating Vocabulary Cards, 3K Exploration Two: Our Environment- "Building" Key Vocabulary Words with Photos, 3K Weekly Lesson Plan-Exploration Two Month One Focus: Physical Characteristics, 3K Weekly Lesson Plan - Exploration Two Month One: Seeing - Focus: Eyes, Detective and Investigation Dramatic Play Center for 3K, Pre-K, and Kindergarten, Dramatic Play Center Bundle for 3K, Pre-K, Preschool & Kindergarten, 3K Exploration Two: Our Environment- "Seeing" Key Vocabulary Words with Photos, 3K Exploration Two - Month Two: Investigating - Vocabulary Cards, 3K Weekly Lesson Plan-Exploration Two Month One-Focus: Objects In Our Classroom, 3K Exploration Two: Our Environment- "Moving" Key Vocabulary Words with Photos, NYC DOE 3K Exploration:1 Our Community Month:2 Self Vocabulary Cards, 3K Weekly Lesson Plan - Exploration One Month Two: Self - Focus: Our Bodies, NYC DOE 3K Exploration 2: Our Environment Focus: Moving Vocabulary Cards, 3K Exploration Two - Month One: Seeing - Vocabulary Cards. There is a binder cover for each of the three Explorations: 1) Our Community 2) Our Environment 3) Our Impact.Each cover includes the following information so that you can have a quick overview of what's expected for each Exploration:Title of the Interdisciplinary ExplorationEssential QuestionFocus AreasStudent OutcomesSuggested Read Aloud TextsPlace these bi. Need technical support? There are specific Units for programs participating in Explore: There are specific Explorations for 3-K for All programs participating in Explore linked below. 58 W 106th St #4D is located in Upper West Side, New York. I make them the first page in my binders to keep myself on track and organized. v. City of New York (WiFi Case): Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement, Moises Jimenez et at v New York City Department of Education (Sports Equity Case): Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement, NYC Student Transportation Modernization Plan, Community and Citywide Education Councils, Guidance on Public Meetings and School Visits, Elections 2023 Community and Citywide Education Councils, Training Opportunities for Education Council Members, Roles and Responsibilities of Education Councils, About Community and Citywide Education Councils, Community and Citywide Education Councils Meeting Calendar, Frequently Asked Questions on CCEC Elections 2023. Additionally, the toys, games, and other materials in their classrooms support discovery and exploration an essential component of early learning. . Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, 3-K for All programs are offered in all 32 schools districts: Find your school district by entering your address at or calling 311. The purpose of this position is to serve the vision and mission of the Children and Youth Religious Exploration Program by . This page includes many links to help generate ideas and inspiration for activities to use in a distance learning, hybrid, or face-to-face FYE course It also includes some helpful websites to increase interactions and engagement Course Registration and StudentAdmin Lesson Plan Sample PPT 1 or Sample PPT 2 Critical Looking with the Benton Museum TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. They quickly walk you through the brute force approach, then start playing around with examples to examine potential optimizations. Each page contains 4 key words along with a colorful photograph. 3K Weekly Lesson PlanExploration Two: Our EnvironmentMonth One: SeeingWeekly Focus: EyesNon-editable PDF of a weekly lesson plan including center ideas, suggested read aloud with questions and links, whole group exploration, small group art work/other relatable material suggestions, ELOF standards, and more! An impact of the Space Race on American education priorities was a shift in the school curriculum to a concentration on learning. in order to connect their observations of each child with ELOF goals and to guide their planning as they work to meet the needs of all of the children in their care. 3-K for All brings free, full-day, high-quality education to three-year-old children in New York City learn more about the benefits of 3-K. Use MySchools to search for and learn about 3-K programs. During the application period, you can also use MySchools to add programs to your child's application and submit it. Children show curiosity, eagerness and satisfaction as a learner. Lets Play! Provide instructional content designed to foster the development of knowledge and skill in six main movement exploration categories (Movement Concepts, Balance, Locomotor, Manipulative, Health & Nutrition, and Social & Emotional Development). webinar, how to access Google classroom DECE content for NYCEEC teaching Teams, Digital Remote Learning Resources for 3-K Explorations and Pre-K Units of Study, Sample Remote Learning Schedule - District Schools and Pre-K Centers, New York State Education Departments Office of Early Learning, Guidance for Implementing the Emergent Multilingual Learners Language Profile Protocol (EMLLPP), Core Principles for Emergent Multilingual Learners (EMLLs), Developmental Screening and Authentic Assessment. Each page contains 4 key words along with a colorful photograph. -Lead curriculum design and implementation of system-wide training and . Family child care providers should refer to the ELOF and to their authentic assessment system when implementing Lets Play! For NYCEEC teaching teams that do not have an account, please follow the steps below. Detective's Office Dramatic Play Center visuals and activities for your students! Must also have at least 2 years of experience in daycare center. the lakehouse restaurant primrose valley menu; james robertson obituary Students enrolled in certain 3-K or three-year-old programs may have priority to attend pre-K at the same center or school. 1. assisting students with decision-making and the exploration of their educational, career, and personal goals; 2. working with students to develop educational plans; 3. adhering to the schedule that has been developed with the . You can apply to any school district across the city. In all school districts, some 3-K seats are available to families who qualify based on their income and needs. 3K Exploration Two: Our EnvironmentMonth Two: Investigating - Vocabulary CardsIncluded is a non-editable PDF file of Exploration Two, Month Two's key vocabulary. Program staff are encouraged to review the "Core Principles for Emergent Multilingual Learners (EMLLs)," which outline the beliefs and practices that support high-quality instruction for EMLLs. Head Start seats are free and offer early care and education all year round for up to 10 hours a day. , Building, Moving: Caring, Growing, Changing, PRE-K continues to build on the routines and explorations from 3-K. Pre-K curriculum includes the NYC Interdisciplinary Units of Study . The resources on this page are intended to support leaders and teaching teams should their programs close and switch to remote learning for early childhood classes. This page will go into the second binder- Exploration Two: Our Environment. The Explorations texts can be purchased from the following vendors. The three Explorations are designed to be implemented in 3-K for All classrooms over the course of the ten-month program year. Families do not need to provide proof of citizenship or immigration status to be admitted to any Full Day, Head Start, or Early Head Start seat at DOE programs. What are your program's strengths? This research based resource was created in collaboration with researchers and supports student learning in all domains using developmentally appropriate practice. If your child was born in 2020 and lives in New York City, they are eligible to attend 3-K in September 2023. You receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits, You receive SSI (Supplemental Security Income), You are enrolling a child who is in foster care, Your family income falls below a certain amount, You work an average of 10 or more hours per week, You are in an educational or vocational training program, You have been looking for work for up to 6 months, You are attending services for domestic violence. Print copies will be available in 10 languages at schools, early childhood programs, libraries, and other sites soon. If you are not a Pre-K for All, 3-K for All, or EarlyLearn provider, send an email request permission to use this curriculum or any portion thereof. All NYC families with children born in 2018, 2019, and 2020 are invited to join us at a virtual information session covering 3-K, pre-K, kindergarten, and Gifted & Talented admissions. Each page contains 4 key words along with a colorful photograph. 3K Weekly Lesson PlanExploration Two: Our EnvironmentMonth One: SeeingWeekly Focus: Objects In Our ClassroomNon-editable PDF of a weekly lesson plan including center ideas, suggested read aloud with questions and links, whole group exploration, small group art work/other relatable material suggestions, ELOF standards, and more! In their early childhood classrooms, the relationships they develop with their teaching teams and caregivers are crucial to their development and learning. Apply to grades 3-K 12, explore and compare schools, and more. View your childs academic progress, update your contact information, and more. If your family moves during the admissions process, call 718-935-2009 or contact a Family Welcome Center to update your information and talk about changes to your 3-K application or program. This book listserves as a starting place for programs and programs are encouraged to use additional books and curricular resources to reflect their community. Browse Catalog Grades Pre-K - K 1 - 2 3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 Other Subject Arts & Music English Language Arts World Language Math Science Social Studies - History Specialty Holidays / Seasonal Price Free Additional resources to support the use of Explore Units: Young children learn best in the context of relationships and through play-based, hands-on, and engaging activities. Call 718-935-2009, get support from aFamily Welcome Center, or email us BedRock Preschool 3220 Arlington Ave. Bronx, NY 10463 Main Line: (718) 884-0020 To Schedule a Tour. I still don't know what to use with my younger kiddos (8 in Oct. & 6 in Dec.). ELLs' knowledge and strengths in their home language need to be recognized and built upon in the preschool curriculum. It is the most ambitious effort in U.S. history to give every three-year-old in New York City the same high-quality education for free. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. 3K-8 FREE 3K, FREE Pre-K For ALL and Grades K-8 Served Enrichment Programs Art, Italian, STREAM, Technology, Blended Learning, Robotics, ADAPP school counselor Extra-Curricular Catapult, Drama Club, CYO Athletics, Bricks 4 Kidz, Crafts, Scout Programs Grades K- 8 Drop-Off 7:40 AM Pick-Up 2:25 PM More Schedules Transportation Get Directions TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Translated copies of these resources are also available in the same folder. This page will go into the first binder- Exploration One: Our Community. This page will go into the third binder- Exploration Three: Our Impact. . Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. . This letter may include an offer and will tell you where your child is waitlisted, if applicable. The'Remote or Blended Learning Curricular Resources for 3K and Pre K What are these Resources?' I make them the first page in each binder to keep myself on track and organized. The priority is not applicable for Extended Day and Year seats or Head Start seats. Call Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm at 718-935-2009. The words are in alphabetical order for each unit and the first letter or blend is in red font to help early readers recognize the beginning letter(s) of the word.Suggestions for use:Lamin, 3-K For All Exploration Two: "Investigating" Key Vocabulary WordsThis PDF includes the Key Vocabulary Words about "Investigating" to be used with the NYCDOE 3-K For All Exploration Two: Our Environment. It can hang in our outside the classroom. Tools of Autonomy 3-K Tools of Autonomy Pre-K Teacher's Strategies Gold Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework CLASS Pre-K Scope & Sequence NYS Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core. webinar, how to access early childhood Google classroom content, 'How do Teaching Teams at New York City Early Education Centers access the Early Childhood Google Shared Drive?' How would you describe the community of teachers and families here? APL . The open-ended nature of most of the suggested activities makes them suitable for all ages. 3K Weekly Lesson PlanExploration Two: Our EnvironmentMonth Two: InvestigatingWeekly Focus: Express and Test IdeasNon-editable PDF of a weekly lesson plan including center ideas, suggested read aloud with questions and links, whole group exploration, small group art work/other relatable material suggestions, ELOF standards, and more! How will staff members make sure my child feels safe and cared for? Extended Day and Year seats are free or low cost and offer early care and education all year round for up to 10 hours a day. New York City 3-K for All Interdisciplinary Explorations are designed to connect children, families and teaching staff and invite them to engage in comprehensive, in- depth, play-based learning across domains. Apply to 3-K in the calendar year that your child turns three. Digital Remote Learning Resources for 3-K Explorations and Pre-K Units of Study: To access the folder, log into the Teach Hub portal located at & launch the app with the Google Drive icon). I like to break down the 3K Explorations into three separate binders. Pre-made digital activities. Young children learn through play, experiences, and positive relationships. . Our programs help children develop language, skills, and knowledge of the world. E-Book version of the publication, From Children's Interests to Children's Thinking: Using a Cycle of Inquiry to Plan Curriculum NAEYC Publishes New Curriculum Development Resource for Early Childhood Educators Emergent curriculum arises from the things that fascinate childrenwhat they see, what they wonder about, what they develop theories about. When applying to that program in MySchools, be sure to add the seat type(s) you want and are eligible for to your child's application. , 3-K For All Exploration Two: "Building" Key Vocabulary WordsThis PDF includes the Key Vocabulary Words about "Building" to be used with the NYCDOE 3-K For All Exploration Two: Our Environment. 2.1k plays . Find your school district by using the School Search map tool or calling 311. 3K For All: Explorations Two: Our Environment Curriculum Map by Love2Teach3K $1.00 Word Document File I like to break down the 3K Explorations into three separate binders. Note that all surveys are fillable, and available in the 9 DOE translations on this site. Some 3-K programs can enroll children at any time throughout the year, if their family is eligible based on income and needs. Note that the vendor may not be able to source specific titles, so review the titles included in each collection before ordering. All applications submitted by this date are treated the same based on admissions priorities. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. A 3-K program has a waitlist when there are more students that apply to it than 3-K seats available. Sites participating in Explore implement the Building Blocks math curriculum in conjunction with the NYC Interdisciplinary Units of Study for their 4s curricula. Note that the vendor may not be able to source specific titles, so review the titles included in each collection before ordering. 3K Weekly Lesson PlanExploration Two: Our EnvironmentMonth One: SeeingWeekly Focus: Our Physical CharacteristicsNon-editable PDF of a weekly lesson plan including center ideas, suggested read aloud with questions and links, whole group exploration, small group art work/other relatable material suggestions, ELOF standards, and more! Children can interact with other children, including siblings, in a mixed-age setting. 4d ago. google merchandise store swot analysis. This page will go into the second binder- Exploration Two: Our Environment. Pre-K for All helps ensure that all children have a strong start in school and life! These pages outline the focus areas and weekly topics for each exploration. Each page contains 4 key words along with a colorful photograph.Suggestions for use:Laminate or place in sheet protectors to make a bookletEach vocabulary picture can also be cut to make a small booklet of key words for the "Moving" Unit of StudyUse the key vocabulary photo cards to introduce the unit and plac, ONE OF MY FAVORITES, ALL ABOUT THE EYES, ACCESS 90% OF THE VOCABULARY FOR THIS UNIT, New York City Department of Education 3K for All Vocabulary CardsExploration 1: Our Community Month 2: SelfIncludes 12 vocabulary words with diverse and authentic pictures for Month 2Words taken from NYC DOE Exploration Simply download, print and laminate All the work is done for you, Included in this bundle for NYCDOE 3K:NYCDOE 3K Exploration Unit 1 Vocabulary CardsNYCDOE 3K Exploration Unit 2 Vocabulary CardsNYCDOE 3K Exploration Unit 3 Vocabulary CardsColor Scavenger HuntNeighborhood Scavenger HuntSpring Scavenger HuntSummer Scavenger HuntSocial Emotional Scavenger HuntFeelings CardsAnonymous Class Daily Check In Feelings ChartIndividual Daily Check In Feelings ChartFather's Day InterviewMother's Day InterviewGetting to Know your Child Parent QuestionnaireLetter of the Wee. For questions, Encourage your students to investigate and explore items in their classroom using investigation tools. Resources will be posted to the site as they are created or updated. ; ; Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Each page contains 4 key words along with a colorful photograph.Suggestions for use:Laminate or place in sheet protectors to make a bookletEach vocabulary picture can also be cut to make a small booklet of key words for the "Seeing" Unit of StudyUse the key vocabulary photo cards to introduce the unit and plac. This product is a breakdown of the NYC DOE 3K FOR ALL Explorations Unit.You can use this product for quick reference of what to plan for the upcoming months instead of flipping back and forth to the whole exploration unit.Simply print and use for your convenience!This pdf file contains:3K for All Explorations Unit curriculum breakdownMonthly Breakdown by unitWeekly essential questions. 3k curriculum exploration 2. Every child in NYC whose family submits a pre-K application is guaranteed a pre-K offer. If you have questions about 3-K admissions, . I like to break down the 3K Explorations into three separate binders. It's a nice quick reference too! Children do not need to be toilet trained to attend 3-K. Demonstrate eagerness and interest as a learner by responding to what they observe. There's lots of searching, trying to make sure you are meeting all your curriculum goals while keeping everything age . . Each page contains 4 key words along with a colorful photograph.Suggestions for use:Laminate or place in sheet protectors to make a bookletEach vocabulary picture can also be cut to make a small booklet of key words for the "Building" Unit of StudyUse the key vocabulary photo cards to introduce the unit an. Families with an active Child Welfare case, preventive and/or protective, must contact their case worker to make a Child Care subsidy referral. There is a binder cover for each of the three Explorations: 1) Our Community 2) Our Environment 3) Our Impact.Each cover includes the following information so that you can have a quick overview of what's expected for each Exploration:Title of the Interdisciplinary ExplorationEssential QuestionFocus AreasStudent OutcomesSuggested Read Aloud TextsPlace these bi. call 0094715900005 Email mundir AT Up Down. Pre-made digital activities. Grounded in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, the "Explorations Units" provide instructional opportunities for 3-K for All teaching staff, children, and families to connect, explore materials, and learn together. Each page contains 4 key words along with a colorful photograph.Suggestions for use:Laminate or place in sheet protectors to make a bookletEach vocabulary picture can also be cut to make a small booklet of key words for the "Building" Unit of StudyUse the key vocabulary photo cards to introduce the unit an. This content may be used by teaching teams during remote learning days, via any platform (e.g. In all 32 school districts, there are 3-K seats available to families who qualify based on income and needs. This will be scalable using technology. Cold War Korean War . This book listserves as a starting place for programs and programs are encouraged to use additional books and curricular resources to reflect their community. If we are unable to make your child an offer, they will be placed automatically on the waitlist of each program you listed on their application. Documentation for the child in need of care can be one of the following: a U.S. birth certificate, U.S. passport, naturalization certificate, alien registration card (including permanent resident or green card), or Form FS-240 (report of birth abroad of a U.S. citizen). The EMLLPP was developed by theNew York State Education Departments Office of Early Learning, and utilizes a comprehensive home language survey, includes a family interview, and supports teaching teams in planning instruction for EMLLs. The Unit foundational and supporting texts can be purchased from the following vendors. We reviewed existing public health degree programmes in Pakistan along with an exploration of the national public health . Applicants receive offers to 3-K programs at NYC Early Education Centers in the following order: Applicants receive offers to 3-K programs at zoned schools in the following order: Applicants receive offers to 3-K programs at non-zoned schools in the following order: Applicants receive offers to 3-K programs at Pre-K Centers in the following order: Applicants receive offers to 3-K programs at Family Child Care programs in the following order: Watch this animation to learn how students of all ages get offers to NYC public schools: During the application period, families can apply one of two ways: If you are applying to 3-K for more than one child and want your children to attend the same program, you can apply for all children at the same time. This book provides an overview of admissions processes and resources for EarlyLearn (childcare for eligible families), 3-K, pre-K, kindergarten, middle school, and high school, including a section on how to use MySchools. Just move home to Melbourne for an exciting change of scenery. Her Doctorate in Education focused on ICT . There are a few instances where a different process is needed to apply: All families, including families that may need one of these referrals, can call 311 to get help with finding a program and completing the Child Care subsidy application. Both links below can be used to access the webinar on different platforms: Remote learning for young children is centered around helping families, caregivers, and children connect and engage in joyful, fun, play-based activities that build on childrens natural curiosity. is grounded in research on developmental expectations as described in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework: Ages Birth to Five (ELOF) which outlines the skills, behaviors and concepts programs foster as they engage with our youngest learners. Each page contains 4 key words along with a colorful photograph.Suggestions for use:Laminate or place in sheet protectors to make a bookletEach vocabulary picture can also be cut to make a small booklet of key words for the "Investigating" Unit of StudyUse the key vocabulary photo cards to introd, 3-K For All NYCDOE Explorations Binder Covers with SpinesIn this PDF, you will find 3 binder covers and spines meant for one-inch binders. 3K Weekly Lesson PlanExploration One: Month Two Weekly Focus: Our BodiesNon-editable PDF of a weekly lesson plan including center ideas, possible read aloud with questions, whole group exploration, small group art work suggestions, ELOF standards, and more! . Additional resources to support the use of Units: The Division of Early Childhood Education (DECE) has released anupdated book listfor Pre-K for All programs in alignment with our pre-K curriculum Units of Study. 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